Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Visit

Naturally, I was at Lowe's yesterday when Tasha called me to tell me that Joslin had come home for a visit.  This is the first time we have heard from her since May 28th.

She is living with her boyfriend and his grandmother in a small town down the road.  A one light type of town.  She is working part-time at a Mexican Restaurant.  According to her the house they are living in is an old house with no closets, no central air, no dishwasher, falling apart with too many bugs.  Oh, did I mention no closets.  She seemed most shocked by the no closet part.  We had no closets when we lived in Germany so I understand her dismay.  I guess that they don't have any wardrobe closets either so stuff is sitting around in piles.

She came home with a black mark on her eye.  She claims it happened while they were wrestling.  She was telling me she was happy while she was crying.  I tried to get more information out of her but she just kept saying she was happy.....while crying.  Tasha gave Joselin her phone number and told her to call her if she ever needed a ride.  Joselin says that they don't have long distance calling from the house so she couldn't call.

According to her they also don't have any dishes or glasses.  So we went to some garage sales this morning and got her plenty of kitchen supplies.  She also gathered some of her clothing and boxed it up.  She will be heading back tomorrow after church but she is giving me her house phone number this time around.

It has been nice seeing her.  She seems willing to keep in contact.  I guess we will see how things go. 

Please keep  praying for her.

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