Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are You Prepared?

To receive a child from a burn clinic?  Who cries to be held 24 hours a day?

To receive a child who will scream to your face "no" every day?

To receive a child without knowing any history of allergies and so you sit at the dinner table one day watching that child turn beet red because they do in fact have some food allergies?

To receive a child who has never formed an attachment with anyone?  Who turns from your touch?

To receive a child who is so developmentally behind he appears to have an intellectual disability...even though he does not?

To receive a child who smells, has lice and is sickly....even though you don't know who their doctor is or have a medicaid card?

To receive a child who can and will climb your bookshelves, take food from your pantry in the middle of the night and pee anywhere they please?

To receive a child who acts out sexually....even as a toddler?

To receive a child who is terrified of the bath?

To receive a child who will not sleep unless they can see that you are with them?

To receive a child who challenges you in every way?

We have received all of these children.  Some of these children we have even been blessed to be able to adopt. 

Be prepared.

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