Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I thought that I was busy before!

We are busy.  New dog, new baby, new family, all original obligations.  On top of those I am the set designer for our church.  Our church meets at a temporary location so everything has to be brought in and then taken out after the service.  Everything fits in a trailer.

The last request was for a huge backdrop of the back of a pirate ship.  She wanted big but I had to think of how to make it portable and compact. I had two weeks to get it ready.  I thought about the design and then on Friday I got started.....

By the end of Friday night I had finished the sky.

On Saturday I finished the ocean and then the ship.

It is two sheets of 4 x 8ft veneer framed with 1x3in for support. Then another sheet was cut in half to add on the sides.  It is all connected with hinges. It stands by itself and folds up very compactly.

I don't know why I procrastinate on starting these projects.  I really do enjoy doing them but seem to need a deadline to get the push to start.  i guess that part of my problem was finding a location to paint this monster.  I had to clean out a lot of the garage.  This was just part of our busy weekend.  More later.  I am off to an IEP meeting for Anthony.


  1. You're so talented, it's ridiculous!!! You know what would be cool? A kid's bedroom wall painted with a mural of that sky/ocean/ship!

  2. Wow, I just have to say-you are a talented woman! That looks incredible! Reading your blog makes me realize I should not be complaining about staying home with my one little 8 month old baby. I don't know how you do it all!
