Thursday, October 8, 2015

Knock at the Door

Today I looked at the lights in the bathroom that I am refreshing and I realized that they both had rust on them. These lights are about 5 years old, nothing seems to last. So today I went to Lowe's and got some replacement lights.

I was in serious painting, light wiring mode and the kids were on their 4th day off from school.  The house was chaotic and a mess.

We have been trying to declutter for the GAL visit (and because the house needed it).  With our last adoption he said that our home was cluttered and we wanted it to be cleaned up.  Well, in the midst of all this chaos who should appear at my door but the GAL!  No phone call, no warning, just a knock on the door.

I moaned but let him in.  I am afraid that our next report will still read cluttered but now he might just add terribly messy!  On a good note this was the last step needed to head to court. Next week I will start to nag about a court date.

We had some suggestions for activities.  I don't think I am up for the chicken mummification. However, we were deep in discussions about a paper mache project when that idea came in. Tomorrow we are going to start on that project. It promises to be pretty interesting looking.

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